
Career After COVID: Preparing For Potential Career Transition & What To Do If You Are Unemployed



We are in unprecedented times with no solid end in sight. The unemployment rate is higher than it has been since the Great Depression, and those who didn’t lose their job experienced a cut in pay or their hours. However, now is a better time than ever to set yourself on a path of success where your career is concerned. It is a great time to dust off that old resume, get connected on social media and start looking at that dream career that you never achieved.

Reality is that a lot of people are rebuilding their careers, lives and finances right now. Therefore, it is crucial that you invest in yourself to bring the best you forward when ready to go back to work. Building a positive image of yourself is key, and you must have the right tools and knowledge to do it.

What You’ll Learn:

• When to consider a new career & how to pivot

• Opportunities for earning more income

• Ways to update your resume

• Ways to update your LinkedIn profile to get more attention

• What successful networking looks like & where to start

Speaker: Traci Bakenhaster, Owner & Coach, Design & Renew Career and Life Coaching

Traci is the founder of Design & Renew Career and Finance Coaching. As someone who has experienced job loss and career unhappiness firsthand she can relate to what people are going though. She has had to pivot several times throughout her career, but now brings that experience as well as her career development knowledge to help others succeed in their career goals and aspirations. So using her diverse background and expertise Design & Renew was born.

Design & Renew helps design new futures for clients by renewing their career goals and bringing them to reality. We offer several career coaching services including resume and cover letter writing, career exploration through career assessments, job shadows, informational interviews, career planning including education options and other professional development such as professional communication, soft skills and creating professional social media accounts. We also offer financial coaching where we help people get back on their feet, learn how to budget, knock out debt, and help build a financial legacy for generations to come.

Traci has a BS in Business Administration from The Ohio State University and her MS in Business Psychology from Franklin University.

Limited In Person Seating @ Cultivate Pickerington

Simulcast Available @ Cultivate London

Live Stream Tickets Also Available