
IncubatorEDU Recruitment Event – South Western City Schools

South-Western City Schools offers students an authentic entrepreneurship experience through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship program at South-Western Career Academy. Using the INCubatoredu program, students have the opportunity to create and fully develop their own product or service. Real entrepreneurs and business experts serve as volunteer coaches and mentors guiding student teams through the Lean Startup processes of developing hypotheses about a business concept, testing those hypotheses, adapting, and further iteration. The program also includes foundational business topics such as marketing and finance.

Students are taught by a team, so we are in need of volunteer coaches, mentors, and the classroom teacher. Coaches provide authentic business expertise in a specific area. They come into the classroom for a short period of time (2-4 days) to provide all students with a real-world context for a specific curricular area. The coach and classroom teacher plan and present together. The coach’s focus is on curricular content. Mentors are assigned to one team and follow them through the entire process providing students with feedback and encouragement. The classroom teacher is a certified teacher that manages the class and volunteers as well as provides continuity.

Who Should Attend

Community members looking to work with the next generation of entrepreneurs. We are looking for local entrepreneurs, business professionals, sales experts, marketing experts, business finance experts, and more!

Community Involvement Opportunities! We Need YOU!