

Facebook just changed everything again! They are also tightening up security, increasing the importance of groups, and making stories more prominent. Learn how these changes affect your business and what you need to do on your Facebook account.

In this video you will learn:

  • About features, Facebook has on their platform
  • How to increase your engagement and reach on your page using these features
  • Understand how to use Facebook Insights

Speaker: Katie Browder-Person, CEO & Lead Consultant, KatBro Ltd. Katie Browder- Person has over 10 years of hands-on Marketing and Community Relations experience. Her experience includes organizing press conferences, media relations, brand development, and community relations. In 2013, Katie decided to turn her love for freelancing into a REAL business, KatBro Ltd, where she could assist growing entrepreneurs like herself to find their voice in the online and offline marketplace.


Video transcription:




I’m Matt Yerkes from Cultivate. I’m at your business from home today. And we have a business incubator. We have three locations in London, Grove City, and Pickerington that we really serve entrepreneurs all over the state of Ohio, and I flew out of state. So we basically help people start and grow their businesses. So we try to organize in-person and live stream trainings, video trainings every month, we try and put something together and Katie has done a number of presentations for us, actually, one of our oldest members. She has just been with us since the early days and we’re really glad to have her and go through this material to help us grow our businesses. So, as I said, I’ll send out an email afterward with some links and things like that. It might be a day or two before I get that sign-out, but I just want to welcome you, Katie. Welcome you all! And I will turn this over to Katie. 

About the Speaker, Katie 

Well, hello, everyone. Good morning. As Matt said my name is Katie. My name is Katie Browder-Person if you want my full name and I am the owner of Katbro Consulting. I am actually located now in the brewery District in Downtown Columbus, but I formerly was located inside of one of the Cultivate facilities in Grove City. And I think live there for like four years. It was fantastic and It really helped me get to where I needed to be in order to venture out on my own. I am still an active Cultivate member because I definitely believe in the services and I’m really glad that you guys could join me today. I realized in this slide just so I could be transparent that. I normally have an introduction slide and I totally forgot to put that in there. So it’s usually like a really great picture of me. That looks a lot better than what I look like today. And it tells you a little bit about, you know, me as a person. So the short of that is I am a mother of three. I have two big girls that have gone off to the world and one little guy that’s still stuck at home and I’m a wife. I’m an entrepreneur. And I am a community service. So I enjoy doing things like this to help Elevate other small businesses and I do anything that I can do to help the small. Business community. 

Now, we can go ahead and dive into the training because it looks like we have such a great audience today. I will actually have a couple of stopping points where I will allow questions, and things of that nature, but because Facebook is kind of like a really big thing to try to cover very quickly. We’ll just need to keep on truckin as much as we can.

Things to Discuss

So today is the day, here are a couple of things that we’re going to discuss. We’re going to look at some of the organic features on Facebook. And when I use the term organic, I want everyone to understand that organic in this setting means free. So these are like features that you don’t have to pay for. Don’t have any kind of paid, you know, feature tags along with it. We’re going to look at a couple of content tips, you know things that we could probably be doing to make our Pages better and more engaging. We’ll look at the paid  features on Facebook. And again, I’m letting you guys know, that these are overviews. 

There are probably going to be certain things that I highlight that you might have future questions about, you know, just go ahead and drop a message to Matt or message to me, and maybe we could come up with a future class that focuses on a particular feature. But for now, we’re going to do kind of an overview. And then I also will at the end kind of give you a little strategy, combo ideas that can help you move forward. 

I am going to keep my chat feature at the bottom here. But if you guys like I said, have any questions, I’ll have some stopping points where I stop and you answer them, but I’ll keep it close for now.

Organic Facebook Features

So a couple of the organic features for Facebook that we’re going to look at here in just a moment. And we’re really going to go right to Facebook. We’re not going to do a whole bunch of slides on these features to mean you need to see them live and we’re going to look at the features on the business page that you guys might have and if you do not have a business page, then, of course, you can get one set up, you know, very easily through your existing. I think personal account. It will also look at some posting features because Facebook has introduced quite a few posting features that will allow you to, you know, come up with different types of posting ideas as well as scheduled postings and even be able to kind of look at your strategy from a bird’s-eye view. 

So it’s really kind of cool that they added those and then we’ll look at some messenger features. And those are just, you know, kind of making sure that you’re getting the most of your Facebook page, you know, that way when you’re away, they’re still communication going on with people who might be interested in learning about your services.

About Facebook Business Page

Okay. So let’s go ahead and head over to Facebook, your words. Just going to go through just some of the most basic features. Again. These are all organic features Facebook does not charge you to use any of these features. 

Okay, so if you can still see my screen, you’ll see that we’re now on the Katbro, business page. So when I step through some of these things, you know a couple of them, you’re probably going to already know and I just want to make sure that even those who are brand new to Facebook and maybe just have no idea what in the world is going on, but they get, you know, a little piece to so sorry, if any of your like I already know this stuff. It’s okay. That’s how it is. And so as you know, of course, the home page is really where you’re going to see the majority of your postings and things of that nature on your homepage. 

Facebook Banner

You’re going to want to always make sure that you have a great banner that displays what you’re doing. It could be a service. It could be special. It could just be like a general banner like this during times when I don’t run specials or have events or anything. I just got a little, you know, beginner here that I know matches. The Branding of my website, I really can’t stress enough how important it is to do these actions when it comes to the look of your Facebook account because it is quite often that I’ll go on to like a new clients page or maybe someone that’s come to a class and their Facebook Banner. Their Facebook image will look nothing like the website and it really throws a potential consumer on. Throws them off there like a manta ray, please, you know, is this prevents business or they might even feel like it’s less professional than what you really want to communicate yourself. 

So you know, I kind of say that because the other day I was on a realtor’s website and it is really great, you know, web and I clicked on his Facebook account and he’s just got kind of like a picture of him and his buddies. It looks like, maybe they went golfing as his Banner picture. He had a really super professional icon here. But it just threw me off a little bit because it’s like, you have a really professional picture here. 

And then he’s got this really, very casual picture that has nothing to do with his brand. And I, for a minute there. I actually thought maybe I was on his personal page and not his business page. So you see the, you know, the conundrum there, you know, you just want to make sure everything was super consistent. 

Business Information

And then what staying that you also want to make sure that if a person is on the homepage, they can very easily access your information. 

So you want to make sure that your location is updated and your description updated as well. To whatever you want that description to read. I always go from a stance of making sure that my description is complementary to what the description is on my website, but not the saying, I really feel that it’s important for me to show a different piece of my Brand’s personality on each of my social platforms. So, Facebook is the kind of personality of our brand that we choose to educate and promote ourselves and then if we you know on LinkedIn, we might do a little bit deeper education and less promotion and on Instagram, that’s actually where we show like samples of our word and we do kind of those more engaging typos. 

So just whatever you guys decide your strategy is, I would definitely encourage you not to just copy and paste your bio among all the platforms, you know, make it a little bit different. You also want to make sure you have your website, display your phone number your hours of operation. And that’s funny. It says we’re always open which it feels like but we’re actually not. So I need to change that. Make sure that you categorize correctly and add of course your additional social icons there. So all of those items can be updated and completed through the edit page info tab here. 

And, you know, you can add additional categories. Like if I wanted to put web development, that is actually something that we do. 

See how that is kind of easy. It like pops up for you and then you can just click it. Oh, sorry. I meant it. I exceeded the limit. It does only allow you to do three as we just saw here. 

Contact Information

And then again, you know, you can go in here and do your contact information. If you work a lot with individuals outside the country, you might have a WhatsApp number as well, of course, puts your location. 

Business Hours

So here’s you know, these are all the places where you would this would be accomplished, and well since we’re here, let’s go ahead and actually throw my hours in there. 

So we can say, like, hey, it’s very easy. So I can say, hey, we’re open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. That’s a pretty standard hour. You see how easy it is to just kind of accomplish that task and you took to do it all the way down the course. Now, one thing I will let you know because a lot of people kind of freaked out about is Facebook autosave. So it does kind of freak you out a little bit. When you’re like, oh shoot. I don’t know where to save it. But don’t worry. If you click to the next screen at auto-saves, what you have in the previous screen. I’m open on Monday.  Which would mean I’m closed today.  All right. Let’s see. 

Now we’ll hasn’t updated yet. Well, I try to give you a good example, but it hasn’t been updated yet. So made by the time we get through this tutorial here to update. So then the next tab that you’ll want to pay attention to is, of course, your services tab. So you want to make sure that you actually are adding services that you do that, you want people to connect with you on. 

You can do that as far as naming your prices. I don’t personally, I use features and really kind of rather they call me and I can explain what we do. But if you have something like, perhaps you have one or two particular services that you offer, or maybe you are a consultant that just offers, like a personal one-on-one, plus, maybe a VIP day or something. This is a great place for you to be able to set your prize and describe your service, and then people can actually book appointments right here through Facebook for you.

Review Section

The next time you want to be an awful, lot of attention, of course, the review section. So you’ll want to maybe highlight this. Whatever you can like. Hey, give us a review on Facebook. It’s a great way for individuals to begin to trust your services. It’s kind of like, you know, how we all go to Google, you know, where I’m going to go to Google where I’m going to try to figure out if the people were trying to work with are good people. Well, Facebook’s the same way the, you know, folks are going to Facebook as well. Do they want to see what are people saying about you on social media? Because I’m not sure if others think like me. But I always when I’m looking at like, a new restaurant or a new hotel or something. I’ll go to their Facebook because I kind of feel like the social media reviews is more true, you know, you know, you know, I feel like, you know, sometimes Google reviews, although, you know, they’re excellent to have. there’s, you know, an element of, you know, maybe Um one not telling you like their whole story, you know, people usually give like these really short Google reviews like great food or blah, blah, blah, but on Facebook, they go to town, don’t one you like if you are not good, they’re going to tell the whole story of their experience. And so I usually like to have a really solid review on Google or on Facebook for things that I do. So this is an important section for me. I want people to always be able to see what clients are actually saying. 

Facebook Store

The next thing that you’ll notice in your features now is a Shop. So any of you guys that actually have tangible products that you sell, you can build a shop right here on Facebook. And I’ve actually done this for several clients and we’ve built their Facebook stores, of course, to also be able to appear on Instagram because if you don’t know by now Facebook owns Instagram, and they have owned them for many years, and so. Everything you kind of does on Instagram, in terms of advertising or even setting up a shop like this. Those items are technically taken care of, through Facebook business. 

So you can go to the Commerce manager here and that is exactly what this feature on Facebook. Is it an e-commerce feature? So, it allows you to have like a Facebook store if you happen to have like a Shopify store, or an  Etsy account. I think maybe even Wicks or wow. Big Commerce is one that they said is here, but I’m pretty sure Wix is one also. If you have like a Wix Commerce store, you can pull them through Facebook. But if you don’t have those doors, you can actually set everything up right here on Facebook. So it’ll kind of, you know, look a little bit, like these stores that you see here that they’re featuring this, or Instagram stores, and then the Facebook stores. 

Look a little bit more, you know, my trial we would know Facebook to look, you can put your check out in the PayPal’s and your Stripe account. You can actually be able to do everything right there on Facebook. So it’s a great way for people to sell things off of their website or in the case of two of the clients that I helped set this up for they simply just didn’t have an e-commerce site and weren’t sure they were at the point in their business, but they wanted to have one. So we begin to test their products on Facebook first, so that’s certainly something that you can do also. 

Now, as I said before, I’m not going to go through the process of setting up a Facebook store. I do actually offer a class on that and that may be something that Cultivate will want to offer in the future as well. It’s very detailed for our class. But it takes you through the entire process of steps of creating a Facebook store and Instagram store.  So beyond the shop features, if you go under the more tab on your main page, you’ll see a couple of other features that will highlight. 

Facebook Events

Today, won’t go through everything. But there are certain things that I do find very important when it comes to understanding the organic tools that are available to you to propel your business. One of them is events. Events is so super important to me because events is a great way to get perfect strangers interested in something that you have going on in your facility because events are very easily searched in the Facebook search engine or search bar here.

If you’re being invited to an event as a co-host, which accepted those are. Oh, yeah, if you’re being invited as a co-host, you can, you know, that person can actually invite you to be co-hosting and then you can invite another person to be a co-host. 

Paid Feature

And that way, the event shows up on both. Both of your pages, which is fantastic and from the event pages you can also have paid advertising features available to you for that. So, you want to make sure that if you are having any event, whether it’s a small free open house or a larger event that’s paid or an online event. Create an event page on Facebook to kind of propel that reach for those who may be looking for an event like those. 


Another thing that I wanted to highlight here and sorry if I keep going back and forth on my notes here. Our is in the Community tab? So in the community tab, you’ll see all of the groups that you belong to as long as well….Let me show you that feature when we go over here. I actually think I’m on the wrong thing there. So we will deal with Facebook groups here in a second. But actually, that does kind of segue me into a very important tool since we are talking about this side of the page, the important to I want to, I want to kind of like, highlight for you right now is playing here. 


So, we’ll get back to the group because there’s another section on the importance to, I want to, I want to kind of like highlight for you right now is playing her. So, we’ll get back to the groups because there’s another section on the Facebook tool right now that is allowing you to kind of look at your postings from a bird’s-eye view. You can also schedule a post here. So those of you who are familiar with using tools like Buffer or HootSuite Facebook, kind of like built-in this type of experience. So it’s quite easy to, you know, put a post together. You just come up here to create a post or create a story if you’re trying to do a story. 

Now. If you’re going to be posting it to Facebook or post it to Instagram, you can actually pull your Instagram through your Facebook now, so that you can do posting from there. That’s a feature that actually added in 2020. Yeah, like for like the early part of 2020. So some people have recognizes there, but some people haven’t so you can, you know, begin your text from their Videos create a video, that’s a newer feature that was in 2020 as well where it will allow you to add various pictures from you know your desktop and you can put words on top of it, the music behind it. As you know, lots of different things that you can do with that and then decide, like I said, if you want to post it on Facebook or Instagram, so I’m going to make a fake photo. But we’re not going to actually post those. 

So I’m just saying hello and for the sake, we’re out of photos, I’m sorry, got a photo of something on my desktop somewhere. 

This is one of my stats, so my little photo, but my snacks. All right, so if I wanted to publish this, now, I just hit publishing go about my day. But if I wanted to actually schedule this out for another day, I would just hit this little downward thing, click on schedule post and I can actually choose what day I want this post to go out and the time. So you can create your entire week’s worth of postings this way. And this happens, pre-scheduled. So you can go back to doing your business. Go back to working with your clients and not worrying about posting necessarily on social media. I like to do schedule posts. This is just like a pro tip. I like to do a schedule. Post for holidays. I like to do a scheduled post for materials like promotional things, and Evergreen type things, like quotes, but I still keep a very nice balance of things that we are posting live or more, you know, immediately more dynamic, you know, provide dynamic content because, you know, you still want your social media to be very social, you still want it to be really personable. You don’t want to have a ton of scheduled things. It’s just really great to be able to know. Oh, shoot. I forgot to post the date. That’s all right. There’s a quote that went out, you know, so you can still show presents on the web. 

So we are discarding accident that but as you can see if you go through your schedule here. So if you were to kind of look at a bird’s eye view of your month, you could see all the times that you posted, and then that would help you to be able to know. Oh, hey I wanted to make sure I post it on maybe some of these off days or we’ve got a special open house or something coming up. Let me go ahead and pre-schedule a post there. 

So it’s giving you a little bit of a scheduler now and that is not a feature that Facebook normally had offered to people before. So I wanted to make sure that I highlighted that for you as well. There are also a couple of post features that maybe you guys don’t cry know a lot about. So I did want to go into the post features as well. 

Publishing Tool

And just for the sake of you know you can go into publishing tools and accomplish the same action that I just showed you. I personally like the calendar because you know, I’m just a real visual. So I really like the way that that looks but you can go into the publisher tab and still be able to do the exact same thing. You’re just going to get more of this view here and this review is definitely going to provide you with its details of, like, your reads your post reactions that are not fair. 

Alright, so we are going to put a post together. There are times, of course, when I’m sure you’re not even sure like what in the world to post. So, there are a couple of little things and most of you guys have probably seen this if you post on Facebook, there are a couple of little features that, now, you can kind of add to your postings. Now, these are not necessarily new features, but there, they reposition in a different place. So I thought I would go ahead and show you. All right. So if you go in to create a post and let’s just run. You can add a couple of things to your post. You could add new post photos and videos like you normally would, you can add a little button on your post that encourages people to message you. 

Message Feature on Post

So, you know, you can put something up like, hey one, you know, one day only if you message me, you’ll receive of this for booking an appointment or something. And it will allow customer potential customers to send you a message directly through the post. And that has always been positioned in that same place or even been on. Of course, they have the WhatsApp messages that are available now, for feelings, and activities. Although this has been there since the beginning, people still don’t use it enough. I don’t feel and I think it adds a little something to the post. It’s like when you’re posting something about, you know, hey, it’s been a long day making baskets, you know, and then you put, you know, feeling blessed. I just I personally get a lot more feedback. When I do those kinds of things and I make sure that I check in wherever I’m at where they’re at work. 

Q&A Feature

And then also I’ve been kind of playing around with the hosta Q&A feature and I’m not sure that if any of you guys have kind of played with that feature, but you can actually host quite an engaging conversation by just, you know, creating the caption and then a person would click like yes or no, or they would create a like a poll. You know, you might say how many people like chocolate ice cream and then they would actually be able to click directly inside of the post itself. 

So those usually appear more like Instagram stories or Facebook stories, but you know, either way, they’re really cool tools for like, if you’re just super at a loss of something creative to do just, you know, tap on one of those tools. And Use it. There’s obviously, you know, Facebook live and there’s a place in time and place for that inside of this presentation as well. But there’s Facebook Live. And then, of course, there are other features to help you sell things, like make an offer feature and those things of that nature.

Messenger Auto-Response Feature

So let’s go over here because I want to definitely make sure that I touch upon messenger features because the messenger is a great way to engage people when you’re not always able to answer a response. So let’s say you’re busy doing events and you put a post out about an event special that you’re doing in someone inquires about you, but you can’t get to them till later in the day. 

You definitely don’t want to leave that person hanging you want to give them at least some kind of feedback, like, we saw this message from you for going to call you back in 24 hours or take, click on this link and head over to our website to book an appointment. So the way to do that without tieing up your time is to have some is to go into the messenger features. 

So right here, in messaging you could do like, general settings, you know, anything that you know, you want to kind of trigger the conversation. So down here like I have, I think a blanket one. That’s like hey, thank you for getting in touch with us to the messenger. Someone will be in touch with you within the next 24 hours or call the office. And then, it has its actual office phone number. 

But if you want to activate that feature, you would click here to turn it on, click on change, and you could type exactly what the quest or what the autoresponder should say. You can add different things like the customers’ name, that makes it a little bit more personable and you can, you know, I usually don’t do last names. I’ll be like first names, you know, I just say, hi Katie. Thank you for reaching out to us. You know, and then, of course, make sure you save that. You can also set up automatic responses for things that you do during the auto-response experience. 

I personally, don’t use this for my page I have set this up many times for other customers. Usually, when I have a personal message me on messenger because I work on social media. I’m pretty quick to respond. That one built one in for me. But in any case, so there are lots of different, there are lots of different features, as you can see, you can have it away message. You have frequently asked questions. And what’s great about Facebook is the kind will trigger you on the kind of questions to ask. So if you’re, you’re just kind of at a loss of what do I say, when I’m away, they’re going to give you like a sample post and then you’re, you know, going to be able to, you know, formulate what you want. 

Job Feature

You can add anything like your hours, and you can also use it for the job feature, which he didn’t talk about much, but I’ll show you where that’s at. Also. So if you are hiring since we are talking about jobs, if you are hiring, Facebook actually has a job feature where you can post jobs, and so as you can see a messenger as a person responds to your job, you could actually set it up through Messenger, where you’re sending them an autoresponder that says, hey, your application has been received. 


You can add different things like button to go to your website or attachments like new higher forms or things of that nature. I’m not sure I would get like, you involved in, you know, unless you work in an industry where a person really needs to read a prerequisite before they go to the next step with you. I wouldn’t get like too crazy about putting the attachments in there because I mean, it’s Facebook, but you know, you get the gist they’re trying it. They’re absolutely trying now to be more accommodating for small businesses. And in my opinion, Facebook kind of wants to become like your mini-website if anything, so those are a few of the organic features. 

Event Ticketing

For some of you who host events, a lot event ticketing is a big one because you can now like integrate it with Eventbrite and actually sell tickets right there. What I will say is that Facebook will promote free tickets. So like, you know, if you have like an event. Like this one and you wanted to promote it through with Eventbrite integration with Facebook. They’ll let you do that. The pay tickets. They’re still not allowing us to do that with the integration. It’s more like you can share the link and it in your Facebook event, but it’s that you can’t do it with the pink ones yet. There’s you know, of course like Facebook badges. 

Facebook Badge

Those things aren’t really in my opinion necessarily selling tools or tools that can help you enhance your business, but I’m happy to go over those, you know, maybe like another segment, we can go over, like, these little ancillary things, that Facebook offers, the Facebook badges. I actually do use those and that’s because people who respond like a lot. They like to be like your biggest fan and I don’t know if anyone Is like a part of any of those news or media networks, but like, I’m on 10 TV and because I comment a lot, I like got marked as their biggest fan. And so, you know, it’s just a way to engage the customer. 

Okay, so we talked about a couple of the features on just your standard business page. We also looked at the scheduling and posting tools, which some of you may have known, where there are some of you may not have. 

There are so many things you could probably literally sit here all day on Facebook and discover new stuff. There are business apps. If you have a podcast, there are ways for you to share that in there. There’s a way for you to connect with podcasting that you already love. But one of the features that I  really loved is Facebook groups. So Facebook groups are a great way for you to not just connect with other people. But also, if you are building a Facebook group that it’s a great way for you to kind of like sub-segments of your membership. 

Facebook Group

So, let’s say you sell clothing and you sell women’s clothing primarily. Well, you might have a Facebook group called shoe lovers and so you could put things in your group about shoes. You could put things in your group of them like sales you have going on, you can even put just shoot fashion. But you know, everybody in that group is a shoe lover, and they’re going to be more willing to engage you on that type of content and people are going to live it more chatty, you know when it comes to their Facebook groups. So on here, this is what I was looking for earlier. 

So, here there is a place where you can merge fruit. And now I don’t see it. Sorry, it’s one but as I said, Facebook is not any more kind to you just because I work on it every day. They move stuff like all the time and I always got to figure out. We’re a moved it to, so. If I can discover it in my notes before we leave this session today. I will certainly be circling back around and in fact, I will probably at least send out like, hey guys, I finally found it. 

Here’s where it’s located now, but it’s actually a place on Facebook, where you can actually merge your groups with your pages, but I’m sorry for some reason. I don’t seem to see it right now. Wait a minute. 

That’s all right. I don’t waste too much time on it. I’ll just tell you guys later what it comes. Because I actually do run, a couple of groups. I run a group called get social, which is a social media-only group. So just talks about like all these different media tips and things like that, that people would love. And then a digital marketers group that talks a little bit more about the overall scope of digital marketing. So I’ll be happy to send you guys also links to those if you want to join any of those. And just get tips on a regular basis. 

Organic Post Reach

Post Native Content

But okay, so let’s go ahead and move forward. So moving forward there are a couple of tips I want to share with you about organic reach. So number one, you want to make sure that you are posting native content. So what I mean by native content is content that only lives on Facebook. 

So yes, this does mean that for the majority of your content, you do not want to have links that go outside of Facebook. And I get that question a lot because I know people are really big on like, trying to promote their websites and their SEO. And I want you to be able to do that in there, certainly a time and place for it. But the reality is that Facebook is giving those posts less reach than the native post. They want the user to stay on Facebook. So, you know, there are a couple of way around it, you know in terms of sharing your website and your blogs, 

That’s okay, you’re just going to have to know that. Hey, when I share those posts not everybody’s going to see them but you know, as many people as, you know, as can will see them. Of course, the more attention you have on your page, the more people that get to see your post anyway, so, you know your odds, you know, get a little bit more in their favor, the more that you are having like that engaging content but a workaround, however, is you know, when you’re doing videos even though you might have a YouTube video, go ahead and upload it organically, natively on Facebook as well. And then, of course, share your video via Facebook itself, you know, allow your YouTube channel to be linked out, you know, in other ways through email marketing, or Twitter or, you know, other sources, but when it comes to Facebook, go ahead and upload those videos directly to Facebook. 

Post Engaging Content

You also want to make sure that when you’re, when you are posting that native content that you are striking up a positive conversation. Really, really, really important because it’s okay to have like a debate-type conversation and I don’t need positive. Like it all has to be, you know, sonny and roses. I mean, you know, I would stay away from things that are going to allow Facebook possibly flag you.

So how could stay away from things that are politically charged or even like, you know, you’ll be other social issues? You know, if you’re going to post things on your page, you know, maybe most things, where you’re asking people about their opinion on something or something funny or something fun. You’re going to get a lot better response anyway from your customer and you won’t be on Facebook’s radar. They’re getting really, really touchy. And they were just shutting folks down like all day. So I just want you to avoid that issue as much as you can. Make sure that you’re posting very engaging content. 

So, you know, content that is interesting to your client. Not necessarily just a video or something about this lipstick that you’re selling. But maybe a video about shades of lipstick that go with certain skin tones are shades of lipsticks that go with the season, you know, those kinds of things that a person would say. Hey, I got to check that content out. 

We want to make sure that we’re keeping the social and social media. So I think that you know, that’s why Facebook’s also getting a little bit more strict is because they’re noticing that Facebook is getting a little too salesy. So that’s why you may see a horse like a post that you put out there where you have a direct link to something for someone to buy and there bring it on your website. You like. Hey, I only got like four likes, but then I did this quote, and I got a bunch of lights. 

Well, you know, the Facebook user is like, hey, I’m interested in that and I’m interested in going to your website. Now, the workaround for that is I just showed you the Facebook store. Start putting maybe some feature items in there and keeping that stuff native because they’re definitely going to promote your Facebook store. 

Promote Community Development

You also want to make sure that you are promoting that Community Development. So that’s where the Facebook groups that I was referring to comes in if I ever find that feature tab again, but you want to make sure that people are visiting your pages. They know what groups you’re running so that you can continue to promote those Facebook groups and foster that relationship. The more that you can pull a person into the group the more that they come from just that awareness stage to that, you know active engagement stage that you want to see on your pages. 

Use Video Content

And then, last but not least you want to use video content. So I do have a video coming up here very shortly as a very short video about Facebook live. It is extremely informative. So, you know, it’s one of the reasons why I wanted to show it to you guys today because I really want you to know everything you can. Can about really how to leverage Facebook live. 

So, just going over some of the quality over quantity features that are I guess the ideology that I have. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of little testing on Facebook and used to be the rule of thumb that you would post like 12 posts a day, you know, so that would mean a personal place anywhere between 10 to 14 times a week on Facebook. 

Well, I began to see a serious decline with some of our clients and reefs that there are getting with that posting schedule, but I definitely still saw people were educating it that way. So I just began to kind of play around with things a little bit and do some additional research and what I found now is that with the new Facebook algorithm you want to post just a couple of times a week. 

So we’re now posting about three times a week on a person’s page, but you can post several times a day during that period. So we’re posting like maybe two times a day. The three times a week versus one, post every single day and get a lot better response. So I wanted to share that with you as well as share with you, some of the best and worst posting times for Facebook data. I’ve been able to look up and find. So the best times when the average to post are between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. And that’s never really changed. That’s kind of always been that way. 

But 11 a.m. To 1 p.m. or 2 pm honestly, this is still active. That’s kind of like at lunchtime. You know, that’s like when everybody is, you know sitting in the break room, and the first thing you’re doing is paging through Facebook or you’re running to the restroom and you know, you’re on the toilet. He’s through Facebook, you know, I don’t want to embarrass anybody but it’s the truth. And then, you know that there are just those tight those times of the day. 

The second best posting time for Facebook is early in the morning like when people first wake up, they open their eyes, they hit the alarm, and they grab their phone. That’s just like, I don’t know. It’s like human nature. Now, you page through a little bit and then you roll yourself out of bed. So if you’re going to do is to do a secondary best posting time for Facebook, then you’ll want to do that between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. 

So that those hours work out really well for you also. The worst times this kind of actually surprised me is 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. Because I would, I would have honestly thought that in the evening would be a good time after people get off of work, but there are lots of stats out there that are now showing that people are doing a little less, you know, paging through things in the evening time. And then I also can tell you from my own experience. Those have been not very good posting times for me. So that’s why I put that out there for you. 

There are lots of ways to use video content to grow your business. So I did talk about early on about adding video content as a part of that kind of organic strategy. So videos we use in a number of different ways. So you don’t have to just feel like, oh, it’s going to have to be me on the screen, doing some kind of tip. And you know, that might give you a little anxiety, but it not really, I mean, you can turn it over to the customer and you can have and do some video reviews for you. 

The other reviews are extremely powerful and can very easily be done through a number of different features that are offered they’re offered out there in the world. People can even just take a video on their phone and send it to you. So, you know, you might have to give him a little incentive to want to put themselves on camera, but video reviews are excellent. 

You also, of course, we’ll want to do those traditional expert tip videos, which people tend to Be a little scared of the first couple of times they do it, but after a while, it actually becomes pretty fun. And then I also encourage you to use video. We are now seeing something really special. Don’t just throw up a flyer. Like, hey, we’ve got candles on sale now. Get on video and show them a candle and smell related, you know, engage the person, make them really feel like are they are experiencing that candles with you. But I didn’t like that’s a great video for Facebook live, isn’t it? Like you learned a lot of stuff there and just like seven minutes or so. It was absolutely one of the best I had seen out there for quite a while. So so here’s we’re going to get started with the paid features pieces come and this one won’t take as long as the organic features because the cape teacher is basically Facebook advertising. So if you do not have a Facebook add an account, you will want to go ahead and set up one on Facebook or business.facebook.com. 

Make sure that you know, when you set up your ad account there that you are setting like so a couple of parameters like you want to put in like particular card that you want to use and make that only for your advertising. You want to set yourself a budget so that you don’t accidentally ever go over the budget that does happen. 

So, you know, go ahead and set a firm. I’m budget, you know, if it’s $100 $100 if it’s $1000, $1000, just set a from the budget, so that it will trigger Facebook to at least tap you on the shoulder and say, hey, I think you’re overspending! You might want to look at your ad and then also before you get started, you want to make sure that you understand your target market and the buyer persona in which you’re going to be selling to. This is money. So I can’t say that any more clearly when you are advertising that’s money, even when you’re boosting a post, it’s money. 

But a boost post is a little less scary than actually setting up an ad through ad manager for most people, but when you’re even boosting a post, make sure you’re boosting a post that matters. I’m going to tell you personally when I work with people and they have a certain amount of boost post-credits that come with some of our packages. We are only going to boost posts that are going to make you money. We’re not going to boost posts about some random free event unless that event is going to be a part of your sales funnel that will end up with you making money. 

We’re not going to boost a post about a quote, you know, or you know, a question of the day. We’re going to boost a post that is going to provide people a direct link to your website, to make a purchase, or to your calendar to make an appointment or whatever, you know, whatever have you that you do. So that is one workaround to that whole, Facebook won’t give your post a lot of reaches if you are sending it outside of Facebook. Well, they sure will if you’re paying them to do it. So you want to be really strategic in that as well. So if you have like a sale going on and you want to post about, you know, these beautiful baskets you’re making for the holiday and then you want to boost that post. That’s a time I would definitely encourage someone to boost it, excuse me, but if you would like to make, you know, a bigger impact and you want to set up a new ad in ad manager.  That’s the piece that I’m gonna show you here in just a second. 

So here we are back on the Facebook business page. All of you should be able to see them. And the first thing I’m going to want to do is I am wanting to make an ad. So there are a couple of avenues you can get to ad manager from. One thing you can also go, you can go to your ad center, which Facebook has built in now. And you can create an ad from here. You can also go to your business suite. 

Which is another avenue for you to get a new ad space. Personally, I go through the business suite because I like to, you know, I like to have all my features there. I don’t really find that I get as many of the targeting features that I need to buy doing it on this ad center area. I’ve not talked to some other people that say the same thing. So, I’m not sure if that’s a strategic plan for Facebook or if that was a mistake, but I tend to go through the business suite to set up my ads. 

So when I click on create an ad, the first thing it’s going to ask me is kind of what are my intentions would be ad. You know. Hey, what the heck’s your goal with this ad? So is it to get more leads to boost the post, which again I stated earlier was something you could actually do from the post itself, boost events, visit your website. What you know, whatever it might be. So let’s say I’d like to get more leads, okay.