

Video Transcription



Hey everyone! Thank you for joining us at LinkedIn for smart business owners. So, I’m going to be teaching you today about how to use LinkedIn to build your business, make sure your LinkedIn pages are optimized, and that you get the most out of that social media platform.

First, you wanna know who am I, right?  What makes me qualified to tell you this information. 

Well, my name is Katie, and I am the owner of KatBro Consulting. Our marketing firm is in Grove City, Ohio. I have over 15 years of marketing experience and in the field of public relations. So, I’ve been working with individuals regarding promoting their brands, promoting their companies, on and offline – but definitely in the world of social media. I have 10 years of digital marketing experience so I understand more concepts of SEO, and how that takes place in our social media work. And myself, I started my agency in 2013 – although I was working in the corporate world for so many years before that – and on my team, which was a very small team, there is 45 years of amazing marketing magic and experience. I think I am qualified to tell you more about LinkedIn. So, let me go ahead and just dive into the program. So today, we’ll learn a couple of things. 

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

We will first learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for results. Most people fill their LinkedIn profiles like a resume. So, I’ll show you how to make that appeal a little more to your audience as a business owner, and a professional. We’ll also dive into three tactics that will boost your attraction on LinkedIn, as well as how LinkedIn groups will help you grow. And we will finish off with some resources that I always like to give people, free resources around the web that I find that will help you make an amazing impact on LinkedIn. So number 1 is optimizing your profile. So we will talk a little bit about the ten things that really help you with optimizing your profile in LinkedIn. So, number 1 is to update your picture. The picture that you have in your LinkedIn account should be a very professional picture. It should have a clean background as It’s really hard to see people on LinkedIn because the icons are kinda small when they have a lot of stuff going on in their background. So, this is not the platform where you wanna have a groupie with your friends with Madrigal beads on your profile. You wanna keep it very clean and you wanna keep it very professional. Remember, LinkedIn is a platform built for professionals. 

Next in the step of optimizing your profile, you want to have an eye-catching banner. I’ll teach it a bit more about that here in a second but primarily, there’s a space above your picture that is prime real estate for you to put your brand message. It’s also a good place for you to highlight anything that you might have going on that’s like a special, or a sale, or a particular call to action. You also want to update your headline. So, I have a couple of examples here. Look at this profile here. The very top above his head is his actual banner. So that’s the place where you can do a lot in terms of putting information on your profile that tells people exactly what you do. The first thing they’re gonna see when they go into LinkedIn is your profile picture. Nice profile picture he has there with a very clean background. 

The next thing their eyes are gonna take them is right over to that banner and in that banner, you can say things such as – for myself, I might put something there about marketing or how I help individuals through social media. I might say something like, “I provide services for social media. For individual’s interest in social media.” So I might say like, “Capital consulting, for individuals’ interest in social media.” That might be a nice banner. Either way, you want that banner to be super clean and well-put together.

If anything I would say that lessens more, you don’t want to have a really over-powering banner with tons of graphics, you just want to keep it really clean. You also are able to talk to your clients in that area and let them know if you have any particular call to action, you can put that in there. So, you can put up here your name, he just mentions here exactly what he does. So for someone looking at that profile, they’ll say: “Oh, I made it to the right place ’cause this guy does sales training.” However, if you could say you’re in business, or that you’re a business owner, you wanna put something in there about a product that you are releasing. So you could put your product name there, or like free 14-day trial, or free trial, and that way people would know, “Hey, there’s more to this profile than just this individual’s resume. 

The next thing you wanna update is your headline. So your headline here you want to really specifically tell your audience what you do. For example, his profile says: “Helping B2B sellers schedule more meetings and close deals with modern sales training.” That directly tells me what he does. There’s a little format that you can use for this. It goes a little like this. You put: I help X accomplish Y by doing Z. So take a minute, and just jot down what your headline would look like. So just jot down, “I help X accomplish Y by doing Z.” So I’ll give you guys a couple minutes for that. Okay so, who wants to tell me what they came up with? Well, I’ll tell you what I came up with. Are you gonna tell me what you came up with, Matt? (Matt answers) Perfect! That’s exactly what Matt does. Mine would go a little something like: “I help entrepreneurs and business owners generate more leads and sales on social media.” See, a statement like that lets a person know that I’m not only on the right profile but they have what I need to do what I need them to do. So, it lets them know: “Hey, this is the right person to talk to.” 

So next in optimizing your profile, you wanna build your connections to 500. Why is that? The reality is that the way LinkedIn is set up, it’s just gonna show you how many connections you have +500, right? What we’ve found is that many individuals who are searching for someone to do business with don’t really trust that a person is as accomplished or as prestigious or as knowledgeable as they want them to be if they don’t have at least that 500 connections because you know, if I’m coming to you as a consultant and I’m thinking: “Wow, this is gonna be a fantastic consultant”, then you have less than 500 connections, I’m not sure if you’re connected enough to consult me. So it can be really simple things and I understand that in your professional life, you don’t necessarily know 500 businesses, but I will tell you that in your professional and personal life, you are connected to at least 500 people. It’s much easier to find a new thing. So here are some tips on how you can kinda do that. One, make sure that you’re connecting with individuals that you have met in networking events, that you’ve done businesses in the past. Individuals that you just went on and have their business cards, if you send them a connection request, they will connect back to you. They want connections just as bad as you do. 

Making LinkedIn Connections

Another alternative is to connect to individuals you went to school with. You may have went to college with someone, highschool with someone that you can build in your LinkedIn network. Oddly enough, you never know who the people you went to school with. I actually have a couple of clients that are direct referrals from people I went to high school with, and I haven’t seen those guys in forever. It’s just that they saw me in LinkedIn because once you become connected with their friend, they can then sync some of the information that you’ve published. You also want to reach out to individuals that are community-connected. People forget about their volunteerism, and their affiliations – clubs, women’s groups, men’s groups – those kinds of things that people you’re connected with. That’s a great opportunity for you to build your LinkedIn connections. So once you’ve built your profile to that magical 500 number and if you went to 600 or 700, 800 it’s only going to show you 500+, that’s why 500 is our magic number. So here I’ll show you an example, of where you find the connections of someone. There we go. So when you’re looking at an outside account. 

An individual looking at you from an outside account and not signed in your account, they are able to see how many connections you have. And it’s just 500+, if you click on that, you are able to see this individual’s connections, which is a lot. Okay, so once you’ve reached that number of 500, now you’re really able to present yourself as a leader in the industry, as someone who’s well connected. And, those connections are able to see your postings that you’re gonna be putting on your page at a later time, and their connections are going to be able to see some of those postings as well. 

So the next you wanna do is, kinda redo really, your About Summary area. So I’ll give you some examples of how we’re gonna do that. There are 2 areas we’re gonna work inhere in the next few minutes, and 1 is going to the summary area and how to kinda clean that up and make it look amazing and also how to make a custom URL for your LinkedIn page so it’s easier to find and people are able to search you better, and you can even plug that into your business cards, those types of things if you want people to connect to you directly. So let’s go back to LinkedIn. 

So we’re gonna back to my profile here, and I’ll show you where the summary area is. So in this area, you got a lot of wiggle room here. This is where you’re gonna tell people who you are, what you’re all about, or what you’re agency’s all about. If you are the owner of an agency, you can put a little warp in there about your agency too. You wanna tell people who you are, what you’re all about, how you helped the people that you’ve served. You really want this to be more or less, a love letter to those potential customers, a sales pitch. You see I hate sales, I love love instead so we tell them this is the love pitch. This is why you wanna hire me because you love me. This is the area where you have an opportunity to shine. When you come down here, you’ll just hit this little pencil for edit – anybody using the social media for more than 5 minutes knows that. And then you can really begin to build what you’re summary should say. Later on down the line, you can plug in different web pages that you want people to go to for certain items. I like to put call to actions in this area as well. Another thing that you can do in this about summary area is you can put different videos and things that you want to have your agency represent. I didn’t add any features on so we’re good. 

Basically, if you click in the feature area, you are able to put things like commercials that you produced for yourself or maybe those talking videos about your thought leadership videos, or welcome message, or something like that. You wanna put that in there because people will be able to see from the outside end all the amazing content that you have on your page. Instead, I am looking at my crazy o’ page, which I’m now like: “Hey, we need to do some work on my page, don’t we now?” Let’s look at someone that we take care of because we know what they have. So all these amazing videos we put up, we talk about his business, different areas of his business, some featured items that he has, things for sale. This individual works as a consultant in the area of education so he’s got educational videos. It’s a great place to be able to highlight yourself when it comes to standing out from other profiles that don’t have that awesome feature activated. 

Get Your LinkedIn URL

The next thing on our list is we wanna make sure that we are creating a url that people can find and that’s very easy. If you go right up my right-hand corner, you will see where it says ‘Edit profile and URL.’ Here is where you can actually set a custom url for your LinkedIn page. Here has my entire name but let’s say I wanted to do something short, I want it to just change it to KatBro Live and save that. Now, that’s where people would be able to be able to find me. So I can actually copy and paste this, I can put this into my other social media pages to invite people to connect with me, I can put this in my email signature, I can take this url and put in on actual tangible material like postcards and things like that if I’m running a link to campaign for people to connect with me on LinkedIn. 

So the next thing that we will talk about is buffing up your experience area. So I do get a lot of questions about this when it comes to business owners because the experience area is generally a resume, right? People are like: “I’m running my own business, I’m trying to promote myself, why do I need to talk about the other jobs I had?” Well, it’s a really good point. 

When a business owner sets up a LinkedIn, they don’t have to go into all the details of the previous jobs that they had, but the previous jobs are important because your experience is what led you to be a helpful source to this individual that’s now looking at your profile. It’s what made you the person that you are today basically. And so, what I like to do is go through all that experience and highlight the things I did in those job positions that now allow me to be observed to the person I’m working with. 

For example – and this is a true story – the individual that we just looked at who is a consultant in the field of education, he found me on LinkedIn and he told me specifically – this was all 5-6 years ago, right? We’ve been with him for a long time. – He told me specifically that he chose me to contact because in my experience that I was once upon a time an owner of a daycare center. So because he was so fascinated with me being in the field of education once upon a time that has nothing to do with marketing, right? But he liked that that experience was something that I had and that I could help him from that point on. And so, he very much became an individual who could see that I would be able to relate to his services because not only in a daycare setting was I an owner, I was also the administrator of the Head Start program which is what he works in. So you never know if your past experience is going to literally be what sells you to that other person. If you have retail experience, and I’m looking for someone to market my retail establishment, I’m gonna definitely think that a marketing individual with retail experience is gonna be able to help me. So make sure that when you are listing those past positions that you are highlighting the things you’ve done in those positions that qualify you in that area. And I guess I can give a quick example of that when I do list that I once managed and operated a daycare facility, I put in there a lot of the things that I did in recruiting new families and new children to the center. That shows my marketing experience. 

The next on your profile that you wanna pay attention to is education and training. It is absolutely critical that you add your education and training. And this is another question that I get quite a bit of times is some people feel that they don’t have enough education. There are definitely people out there with PHDs, master’s degrees, and you know, someone might say I only a 2-year degree or I just graduated highschool. That does not matter because when you are in fields of entrepreneurship, there are a lot of professional licenses and certifications that you’ve obtained, that is a part of your education. So whether your highest education level is highschool graduate, but you became certified in services or you went to a cake-decorating course and became a certified pâtissier. If you’re a graphic designer and you became certified through Adobe, that makes a difference, that is a big deal. Definitely make sure that you are plugging in your education and don’t forget to use those certifications and special licenses in that area. 

Encourage and Request LinkedIn Recommendations

The next thing that you want to do is invite people to provide you recommendations as well as to promote your skills and endorsements. In just a second, I’m gonna take you back to LinkedIn and we’ll check out that area. So working on your skills and endorsements, those will be found at the bottom of your page. And here’s what I was talking about, education, license, and certificates. There’s a lot of certificates and things that I got in addition to my education. So at the bottom of your page, this is where you will be able to see… Your skills are better seen by individuals looking inside of your profile. That is why I’m toggling between my account and a client’s account. Alright. Okay so on this page here, this is where you would set the type of skills that you have. You could say marketing, public relations, sales, and bite individuals to endorse that. Individuals who you endorse will often endorse you. So that’s one way of being able to get those endorsements. If you go on someone’s page that you’ve done business with, and you say: “Oh, they look great at this.” You know, because maybe one of their skills say Microsoft Office and then “Oh, they were great at Microsoft Office, let me click that.” And then, they will return the favor. So that means, it’ll be very kind of easy way, an organic way of getting those skill endorsements. 

Another way is of course, talking to your current clients. Letting them know that: “Hey, I’m really trying to buff up my LinkedIn account, we’ve been working together for so long, if you think I have exceptional skill in a particular area, please go on to my LinkedIn page and endorse that skill for me.” So basically, an individual on the outside would come to one of these and they would click on the little X thingy and they then give their reasoning for why they’re endorsing you. So, this one says: “How is Mel at Head Start Performance Standards?” He’s probably the best in the business so I’m gonna say he’s high in skill. What’s my relationship with him, I would just say that I reported directly to Mel, and submit.

So, that’s also a way for people who are looking at your page to know: “Wow, these endorsements must be authentic.” Because a person, when they go to that process, they even have to tell LinkedIn why they are endorsing you, how they know you, who are they. So it really helps individuals to be more confident in you. LinkedIn, I think is overlooked a lot because people think that it’s just for finding jobs, or it may just be for professional connections but in fact, LinkedIn is really one of your best sales pitches out there and it’s really easy to manage when it comes to content management and things like that as opposed to heavier content platforms like Facebook, or Instagram because LinkedIn, the content requirement is not as high, you can get away with posting just a couple times a week and still be able to get a really good feed on the platform so this is really good for professionals in any business.

Another thing you want to acknowledge is your recommendations. This is basically your Google reviews for LinkedIn. You want to invite people to do recommendations Again, I’m gonna repeat, one of the easiest ways to get a recommendation is to give a recommendation. If you go and give Matt a recommendation, for his wonderful accommodations in training that cultivate. Then, chances are, Matt will go and if he knows you and he knows your skills, he will give you a recommendation as well. So, look out on your contacts list of who you can give a recommendation more and they will return the favor to you. Obviously, people are going to give you a recommendation if you drop something off to them and they didn’t really do direct business with you or if you sold them a pack of gumball.

I mean, you wanna make sure that these are people that you have done business with and you guys have communicated with. I wouldn’t necessarily give a recommendation to someone that’s in my high school group of connections because I haven’t done business with them and therefore I know that I can’t give them an honest recommendation and they can’t give an honest one for me but there are so many people that you doing business with every day, just check out your email. Who have you emailed in the past 30 days, they probably have LinkedIn accounts. Go out there and see what they’re up to. If you’ve done business with them, give them a recommendation, and they’ll give you one back. Of course, another option for getting these recommendations is also by crossposting. So sharing your unique url onto your let’s say, Facebook account and inviting people to give you a recommendation if they’ve done business with you. So there’s also different ways you can get that.

The next thing we’re gonna focus on… Now we know how to optimize our page. You’ve gone through all those ten steps on how to make this page look better, appeal to more people, now we’re gonna look at three ways to boost up your attraction on LinkedIn. So, a common thing is people will go on LinkedIn, set up this profile, look amazing, and then they never post, and I don’t understand that. If someone can explain that, that would be great. But they never post a thing, not a quote, not what-if, not a turkey sandwich, like they never post anything, and I’m a voyeur of LinkedIn and I’ve gone through all these pages, and just looked at how people are setting their pages up, and some people are having these amazing, beautiful headshots and their cover looks like they came to class. They look like they came to class but there’s not a thing on there. So, they’re not attracting people to this beautiful house that they just built. So now we want you to attract people. Number 1 is to have consistent posting.

Why LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very low-maintenance type of platform. You can post two, three, four times a week and not two, three, four times a day. I always recommend for people to post on social platforms one time a day, but if you can’t make it, you can definitely do three posts a week in LinkedIn and still be very visible. Especially if you’re using some of those multimedia sources that we’ll talk about here in a second. Another thing is, LinkedIn is fantastic for building leads and brand connections. And when I say fantastic, I mean, it is just far-none the place where I get 90% of clients that come to me from social media. So, most of our sub-referral sources as business owners are gonna be word of mouth. And that is how I get 90% of my clients, in general. But when it comes to social media, I would probably say maybe, a little bit on Facebook, a couple of people on Instagram from a graphic I post.

But LinkedIn, serious buyers are on LinkedIn. And one of the best ways to connect to those buyers and to connect with other brand-connections is to basically, send them a connection request. Let’s say, I make crafts and, I make bracelets and I would love to do business with another crafter that has a bigger following than I do. Or maybe I’d like to do business with a local store. The first thing that I want to do is connect with them on LinkedIn because most people that you’ve connected with on LinkedIn don’t have any problems with accepting that connection. And I would target people who you know are powers that be. If it’s a small business owner or an individual crafter, target them directly. Let them know, “Hey, I’m interested in you.” So just in that simple connection request, you don’t have to say anything, just connect with me. If it’s a larger company or a mid-sized company that has a marketing department then you wanna connect with the marketing development department. Depending on what your actual business type is, you may want to connect with HR even on LinkedIn.

A great example of this is, we have a client that’s in DC, and her entire business is that she goes around and does HR coaching and for HR compartments. So she helps them be able to manage people, speak with people, and her main line of referrals is LinkedIn and it’s only through going to big companies like Coke or Pepsi and actually sending connection requests to powers that be over there, and those people connect back with her. Now, it’s not that she says things to them at the time. The strategy that always worked is that she then just keeps her postings up. And as those people who are not her first connections on LinkedIn see things going on on her timeline and she’s saying things that speak to her audience, they pick up the phone, or they email her and say: “Hey, I just saw you on my LinkedIn and you do coaching for teams, we need that so badly. Can you come and help me?” It’s that simple. It’s just connected with them. And no one’s too big, that’s the thing with social media, is that, no one’s too big. You can connect with them. It can be the CEO of Coke or the CEO of Pepsi, I don’t know if they do LinkedIn but somebody on their team is on their LinkedIn. So you can go to the larger companies that you wish to do business with. Social media influencers, even though, obviously, they may have their influence on Instagram or YouTube or one of those platforms that are more known for that, many of them make their connections on LinkedIn. So they connect with brands that they want to see them on Instagram or on YouTube.

That’s a great way to build brand connections. It’s also a great way for you to build leads. If there’s a business you’d like to do business with, maybe a company that you know could benefit from your services and perhaps you’ve seen each other while passing. You can connect with the owner of the company or the vice president or whomever via LinkedIn and as they’re beginning to see your postings, if you attract to them, they can call you back. This is another way to get people to attract you, and once their LinkedIn connects you, you have a direct line to them. You could inbox them if you want. I am gonna say that the majority of the feedback that I received on LinkedIn is based directly on postings. I don’t get a terrible amount of feedback on inboxes. However, they do work and I do have an inbox strategy I will share with you guys later but, in fact, I would say the majority of individuals that I’ve been able to connect with that are within mid-sized companies, have always been just based on my postings.

Using Multimedia

And then last but not least, one of the ways that you can boost attraction to your page is to start using multimedia sources. You wanna introduce videos, you should definitely introduce videos anyway, like what’s going on. Introduce video, use GIFs. Use those GIF files, people love that because it’s visual movement and those kinds of things. You wanna be able to have animated graphics and also some videos as well. I will tell you that LinkedIn is a little weird at accepting the animated graphics in GIF form so you actually have to create your graphics as an MP4, but that’s the technical part. That’s the technical part of things I have to let you guys know. But they’re so gray, sometimes we just put little quotes out then have stars flashing in the back, and I don’t know, people just go crazy for that stuff. It’s very visually appealing.

Using Hashtag

You can also use hashtags on LinkedIn. Now, they are more widely accepted. They used to be a big no-no ’cause they didn’t work but now they’re more widely accepted and according to the last LinkedIn workshop that I went to, people are actually categorizing their postings that way and they’re searching for individuals and they’re starting to follow certain hashtags on there. So it’s really becoming even more popular than it is on Facebook. It’s becoming a little bit more on the popularity than it is on Instagram or Twitter because people are actually following – maybe, I’m looking for a marketing job, I’m following #marketingnow on LinkedIn. 

That’s another option that you have as far as using hashtags. A great way for you to really build yourself up on LinkedIn – you know, expose your brand, expose what you do, connect with other people is to join groups and even perhaps creating a group itself. Because so many people forget that the groups are a way around the first connection rule. You can message individuals if you’re a group member along with them. You can let them know about your services. Here’s a little strategy that I have used in the past, many times whenever I need a boost, I use this strategy. So I go into the groups that I’m already a part of and I post in those groups regularly anyway. It’s kind of just auto-posting. So when I show up, it’s not as if people don’t know me, they have seen me, they’ve seen some postings by me. So you wanna do that for a while, you wanna post and get people familiar with the fact that if you’re gonna message them, they’re gonna say: “Oh, I remember that lady’s face” or “I remember that guy’s face.” or “I remember his tagline said he did a video and that was interesting to me.”

Grow Your LinkedIn Connections

So you wanna put that out there. You wanna post on those pages. Second, once you’ve posted for a while – when I need a boost, I’ll go into those groups and I will message about 5 people and I’ll just say like: “Hi, this is Katie from your bla-bla-bla group.” – So that they know how they know me. – “I just wanna see how we can connect, I’d love to be a connection with you, and learn more about what you do.” So, I’m putting it out there that I care about what they do, and what they need, and those kinds of things. So then, 90% of the time I’ll get a message back that says: “Oh hey how you doing, this is what I do. Tell me more about what you do.” Well then, that’s my window. That’s my window to go in and say: “Hey, this is what I do. I have a marketing agency specialized in social media and I can tell them about what I’m offering and strike that conversation. Now sometimes, the conversations aren’t that easy, and that we aren’t getting it. So what I’ll do is, I have a strategy. I go and post about 5 people on let’s say, Monday. Then on Tuesday, I message 5 more people with the same kind of message: “Hey, I’m from Compass Marketers group and I would like to connect with you. I think we have a lot that we can work together on.” The people who have contacted my from Monday, I make sure I contact them right away back on Tuesday.

If I hadn’t got any contacts from Monday, then on Wednesday, I contact them again. I’m like: “Hey, I don’t know if you saw this previous message. ” – I say something that sounds very natural. You don’t want it to be a sales pitch. I’ll say something like: “Hey, I didn’t know if you saw this earlier, I would love to connect with you over coffee.” Or I guess we don’t do coffee anymore though, right? We do coffee but in the comfort of our socially-distanced homes. Or I would say that: “I would love to jump in a call with you.” Or when I invite people out to meet, I’d always go down to the Tea Salon that’s in the Short North and people, literally would be like: “Oh, I’d love to have tea with you.” But it was a way to invite them. If I haven’t heard anything since we’ve been in the remote work world, my second response hasn’t been so much as like: “Hey, let’s go down and have tea together”, but more or less like: “Hey, if you’d like to jump in a call, I’d love to show you ’bout some things that I’m doing, we can even have coffee together over Zoom.” You know, something funny like that. If I don’t hear much from them on that, then I’ll send them a free downloadable form that I’ve created, that would just help them. So the whole time, I’m just showing them that I’m up service to them. So on let’s say, Monday, I messaged 5 people. Tuesday, I messaged 5 more people.

Wednesday, I respond to Monday – and Tuesday, if I got Tuesday responses by then. Thursday, I post into 5 more people. By the time the end of the week has come, I’ve hit about 15-20 people during that week that I least have sent that engagement to. And to be honest with you, my experience with the engagement has been very favorable because you’re spreading yourself out. I’m putting myself out to 20 people. 5 of them was gone. Well, it’s the five people that you weren’t connected before. And not to mention those five people who are connecting with you, they have a general interest in you too. And I will say that using this strategy, at one point in time, I was gaining a client a week, and that’s really no exaggeration. Now, we actually do a little bit better than that and I don’t have to go on LinkedIn so much, but it’s a good way to really trigger that cycle of clients. And in this groups, there’s hundreds of people, you can be doing this every week. You can say: “Okay Monday Tuesday, I’m gonna message people, and then Wednesday Thursday I’m gonna reply back to them. and then Friday, I’m gonna send them all my free downloadable form because I want them to know that I do care, and to keep me first to mind. And you can continue to do this week after week. In fact, sometimes you’ll be responding on week 2 to the people from week 1 who maybe have just now logged in to LinkedIn. A lot of people log in to LinkedIn during the midweek time, so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. You don’t have a very big number of people that will respond to you on Monday or Friday and you can just about forget the weekend because again it is a platform for professionals so people are keeping standard business hours.

Online Resources

So last but not least is our collection of resources. There are lots of resources that you can use to help yourself have a more professional presence on social media. You can use auto-schedulers like Buffer, or Hootsuite that will help you schedule things when you’re off doing the magical things that you do in the world. So you can sit down one day, create a content calendar of about 3-4 posts, schedule it for LinkedIn and then go about your week. If you wanna make those amazing graphics I was telling you about, GIF graphics, or videos and have just more professional-looking graphics, then you can use Canva. I mean, I don’t even know honestly what I’d without that one right now. Long has been the day when we were making every single graphic in Photoshop and then we found this magical world of Canva and I went like “What?” And these things look amazing! If you’re a graphic designer already, you know, you kinda have that gift for eye but even if you’re not a graphic designer, there are templates that you can go and take, change to your brand color, put your logo on it, and add quotes or tips or whatever you want to. It’s really amazing and you don’t need a lot of expensive tools. And Hubspot is a great place for you to get resources regarding social media content calendar, and they also offer a free CRM system that can really help you manage through those new customers that you’re gonna be getting from LinkedIn and those other new connections. So, you’ll be able to add their information in and kinda put them in the top bar of your sales form. 

Last but not least, you can also make great videos using GetKnown which is a tool offered by KatBro so you can head over to our website if you would like to make videos just sitting in front of your computer or in front of your phone. The website is getknownvideo. So you can definitely head over there and make those great multimedia videos that we talked about.

Alright, so I want to thank you for your time today. That actually concludes our LinkedIn class and if anyone has questions, I welcome them. If you want to email me questions, you’re more than welcome to that also.