
Get ready for some simple routines and hacks to change that! Really feel in control of your business and have the freedom you started it for.

Speaker: Brittany Dixon, Productivity & Systems Strategist, CEO of Process for Profit by BCO


Video Transcript: 


Awesome! Hello everybody, thank you so much for spending time with us today. I’m excited to dive into the topic. My name is Brittany Dixon, I am the owner of “Process for Profit” by Brittany & Co. So today, we are going to dive into some really simple strategies for you to be able to work on your business and grow instead of being in your business on the day today. 

About Brittany

So, I want to tell you a little bit about myself so you know where I’m coming from. I’m actually from London, Ohio – so when he told me that they had opened a co-working space here, I was like: “Wow, that’s super exciting. It’s in my town”. So, I actually grew up in a really low-income family. I was the oldest of five and I am a mom of twins. So, I got twin girls, they’re 8 so they definitely keep me busy with the full-time business as well. I’ve got some dogs too. I’ve got a Goldendoodle puppy and then we have a Jack Russell Beagle mix. Just some personal things to you: I love board games and wine and charcuterie boards, and all of that good stuff. 

Business Background

But a little about my background in my business; I actually started off in wedding and event planning. So I was in the hospitality industry when I first got into my career. I worked a lot in food service and then I actually went into the wedding thing field pretty quickly because I really loved the planning aspect in the logistics so I thought it would be a perfect combo of planning fun events and logistics in the system. So, I did that for a while and then I actually moved into a corporate restaurant doing the same thing. I was there for about 4 years and then I actually became an accidental entrepreneur.

I had started a business as a side hustle while I worked at a corporate restaurant and I essentially was gonna help moms organize their houses so – I knew how stressful it was to have kids and all the things happening and I essentially wanted to help take some of that stress away by organizing your items in your house so that’s kind of how I started and it was gonna beside hustle. And then I actually ended up getting let go from my job so it kind of became my plan A instead of a plan B. I did that for about six months before I realized I had no idea what I was doing running a business and I heard a business coach. When I heard that business coach, she actually introduced me to the online business phase and productivity coaching and just online marketing as well. So essentially, I took my love of organizing – I organized events, then I organized houses, and I kinda moved into organizing businesses. Once I got into that space and started doing productivity coaching, I realized how big of a thing it was to help business owners really streamline in the back-end of their business on the day-to-day admin, managing tasks, managing their time, and really dove into that and started doing systems consulting. 

So, a little bit about what we help with and the things we work with business owners on. We focus a lot on business management and just general organization in the back-end operations. We do a lot with client management systems, so we work a lot with service providers to help them organize their client onboarding processes, their client offboarding to make sure that that client experience is really great. We work a lot with team management systems and then we just do general productivity coaching and time management strategies as well. 


So, I wanna just kind of dive in a little bit of my process and how we help our clients and the process that we go through. We have a really holistic approach and I really don’t agree with just slapping a band-aid on things to fix them. You really want to look at the big picture to be able to make sure that your business is able to scale and grow sustainably because we don’t want to be hustling and working 24/7 to make a business grow. We started the business so that we’re able to have freedom. 

Road to Scalability Method

So our process is actually the road to scalability method and I came up with this kind of just working with clients – it actually wasn’t named that when I first started, I came with a fancy name later, but basically, it’s Recognize, Optimize, Automate, and Document & Delegate. So I use this process with my one-on-one clients, I use this process on my group coaching program with all of my students and really what it is is we walk through this process of really determining what the business scene is. 


Recognizing is really figuring out the strategies and things that a business owner might be running into and really figuring out what they need. So looking at kind of the big picture of things that they might need and then we go into the..


Optimize phase where we really create those systems and streamline those processes to be able to organize their business in a more efficient manner – we got some noise happening outside hehe.. a car alarm and some rain so… enjoy. – So then the next step in our process is really to.


Automate. So once a business has really streamlined its processes and organized its business and business management, we want to see what things we can automate to take off the business owner’s plate. A lot of times people will start paying assistance to come in or to manage parts of their business that can actually be automated and done by a robot in the background. So we have to optimize these processes first so then dive into being able to automate. And then the fourth step is to.

Document and Delegate

Document and delegate. So once we went through these steps, within a business, we really want to start documenting those processes of how we do things. So how do you write a blog post and post it?  How do you update your website? Because you don’t want to be the one that’s constantly stuck in that and doing those things, you want to be able to work on your business, that’s why you guys are here. So we need to be able to document those processes so that you can delegate those things to other team members, delegate those things to a virtual assistant, whatever that might look like. 

BCO Bucket Strategy

Okay, so today we are diving into three simple strategies to really help you work on your business and not in your business. So these might seem super easy and trivial but sometimes that’s what we need. So, I’m gonna talk about our BCO Buckets. Our headquarters company is Brittany and Co. and it worked out really well how it works with my branding. We’re gonna be talking about those buckets and time blocking because I think that’s a huge reason that a lot of us aren’t working on our business is because we don’t use that time efficiently. And then the second one is streamlining our note-taking processes, because this is a huge, huge opportunity for a lot of business owners that if they had more organized processes for how they kinda took notes throughout the day, wrote down information that they would be able to find that information and do things with it. And then the third step we gonna go through is my 3 P’s of productivity routine. So it’s an end-of-day routine and actually, this was the biggest game-changer in giving me back my time and making sure things weren’t slipping through the cracks. 

So I’m excited to dive in! Like Matt said, if you guys have questions, definitely drop those in the chat because I’d love to get to those and help you with your specific business. So we’re gonna dive in BCO Buckets first. 

So, BCO stands for Business Development, Client Services and Operations. I feel like these three buckets are pretty universal for all businesses, service providers, anybody that has product-based businesses, whatever that business looks like, you’re gonna have tasks within those three buckets. You’re going to need to focus on those three areas. I’m gonna kinda break down what is in each of those individual buckets so you guys can kind of get an idea of the types of tasks and things you should be thinking about in those areas. And then we’re gonna be talking about time blocking within those buckets so that we are able to better time batch and start using our time a little bit more efficiently. 


Okay, so the B bucket. The B is Business Development. Basically, this is going to include anything like sales or prospecting. This could be networking events or meeting people for coffee, connecting with them, whatever that kind of looks like. This could be sales follow-up so if you have people in your CRM, your customer relationship management tool, you’re able to then reach out to them, follow up with them, and pull them through your sales process. This could also be podcasting if you are a podcaster – I actually have my own podcast so part of my B bucket is creating my podcast episodes. This could also be being on podcast episodes which is a really, really great way to gain some visibility in the business, to use someone else’s audience and provide them value. This could also include marketing, social media content. So, business development is really just anything that’s helping you to grow the business. This is the bucket that I think a lot of entrepreneurs don’t spend as much time as they should, myself included. They typically get stuck in the day-to-day client work and the day-to-day operations and they’re not spending the time working on the business which is what we’re here for today, to come and give you some of the strategies. So, this bucket is really, really important. So we need to make sure that time blocking that we’re using our time efficiently in these buckets, and make sure that the other two buckets flow as well. 

Client Services

So then, we’re gonna dive into the C and this is either going to be Client Services of your service space or it can also be a product if you’re a product-based business, this could be customer service in general but basically, whoever you’re serving, that kind of falls within this bucket – my note just popped off here, hang on one second. – Okay! So in the Client Services, this is gonna be all of the client calls that you have to get on, any kind of client meeting that you have to attend. This could also be just doing client work if you’re a service provider, providing the actual services that you give, doing the back-end things for them. For me, a lot of this is systems setups. So I’ll go in and set up a CRM, I’ll set up a project management tool for them to use. So, really anything that is client or customer-related. This could also be customer service, help desk tickets, things like that. Anything that is related to your customer. So, we wanna make sure that we are obviously spending time here ‘cause these are the people that are paying which makes our business run, but we have to also balance it with that business development and the operations. 


So, the next step is Operations in the BCO buckets, and inside of operations – this is pretty much everything else that doesn’t fit within Business Development or Client Services. So it’s all of the back-end admin and checking email. Putting out fires when things happen and your bookkeeping and finances and all of that stuff that a lot of times we put off and it gets put to the bottom of the list and then things start piling up and it feels like hectic. So, this is the part that the operations side I feel like, is where a lot of people spend a lot of time because they feel like they have to do these things which you would do but I think sometimes, we can get stuck in the operations side a little bit too much and not spend enough time on the business development.

So I want to really give you some strategies around how to be more efficient in that bucket so that you’re able to then spend the time in the business development and client services more than operations. So, there’s actually a study done and office workers reacted to a majority of their incoming emails within 6 seconds of it coming in. 6 seconds. So they see it, and we’ve all done this before you see the notification pop-up and you’re like: “Oh, I have to check it.” and it took on average 64 seconds to get back to work. So you can just imagine this right? How many emails do we get in a day?

I know I get like a hundred and it comes in. We react within 6 seconds and then it takes us 64 seconds to reset. So it doesn’t sound crazy until you start adding up because they actually found that email caused at least 96 interruptions in a typical eight-hour workday and that adds up to an hour and a half of time to reorient yourself with whatever task you were working on. So, a couple of things for this, I’m a huge component for turning off notifications. I actually only checked my email two to three times a day. I typically check it in the morning and afternoon and in the evening before I leave so that definitely helps me from not having scroll syndrome and jumping to my email constantly. I also turn off notifications on my phone. So really the only notifications that I get are text messages and phone calls. All of my social media notifications are turned off, my email notifications, everything like that. It’s all still there by the way, just because I turn off notifications – I can click into my email and all my hundred emails are still there but I don’t see that little red that makes me want to jump and see it. So, definitely turning off notifications is a huge, huge strategy for really keeping yourself on track and making sure that you stay productive. 

Time Blocking & Batching

So another thing is the Time Blocking and the Batching that I was talking about. Time blocking and batching your work in these buckets and these areas in your business are crucial to being able to be more productive and actually working on your business and not in your business. So I actually have batched days in my business. 

So I typically – now in an ideal world right? Like sometimes it completely goes awry. – but typically, on a weekly basis, on Mondays for me, it is mostly operation. It is mostly catching up, planning, mapping things out. I have a team meeting with my team on Mondays, I have an operations meeting with one of my clients on Mondays. So Mondays for me, I have kind of just blocked out as operations. Then on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for me, I spend two hours everyday doing a business development type of task on each of those and then the rest of it is client services. Now, if I don’t have client meetings or client calls or things like that, I can definitely do other projects or other things on the back-end but those three days for me are really held for clients and client-related things because they’re kind of what makes my business go around right? And then on Fridays for me, I do two hours of business development so that’s social media content, interacting with my community, interacting with my email list, all that kind of stuff is on a podcast, whatever that looks like for a business development standpoint. And then I have a chunk of time for clients if needed, and then at the end of my day, I actually have a two-hour chunk blocked off for admin. For that, it’s – really for me, I wrap up my week. I make sure that everything’s kinda wrapped up to a nice fill and ready to go, I can review what’s happening? See if I need to tweak anything for the following week and then I actually plan out my entire following week. So, because I’m batching in these buckets, I’m able to task-switch a lot less. So, if I’m working in the operations bucket, I can focus solely on operations things and it could be in a lot of different things but it’s the same mindset because it’s all back-ends business and it’s all finances and reporting and checking in on those types of things. So, my brain is kind of in the same space when I batch like that. The same thing with clients, when I’m in the client mode, I can switch client to client and do different types of client items but what happens is I’m in client mode, so I’m not thinking about operations, I’m not thinking about back-end stuff, not thinking about creating content. I’m all-in on clients and then, the same thing with business development. So by batching, you’re actually able to task-switch less which is what I was talking about with that study, because the more you task-switch and the more you have notifications popping up, the less productive you’re gonna be and more scattered you’re gonna feel. So you really need to batch to be able to get in the zone in focus. 

Buffer Time

A couple of other things with that is Buffer Time. This is something huge, huge, huge that I learned. There was a point in time that I was going for like meeting-to-meeting-to-meeting and I have no buffer time between. There is barely time to get to the next place, there is barely time to decompress and grab a drink of water, use the restroom like – I basically scheduled things back-to-back, and when I did that, I was scattered. I didn’t have time to really decompress from that first meeting and make notes or do whatever I needed to do. I was bouncing from place to place, it was crazy. So with buffer time, going in and if you have a meeting, making sure adding drive time before and after. If you have calls, making sure that you have time before and after to give yourself space to prep for the call and then decompress from the call. 

So again, it sounds really simple. “Okay cool, I’ll do my work in these specific days and I’ll add buffer time”, but it has been a game-changer in my business along with a couple of the other things we’ve been talking about because now you have time and you can really see what’s happening within your day and the more structured you are, you actually have more freedom. So, the more planned and structured your time is throughout the week, you’re actually going to give yourself space because you’re going to be able to be more proactive, instead of being reactive in your business constantly. So, really walking out that calendar and creating an ideal week for yourself, instead of just like living on this hamster wheel of “Oh, I have this thing and I’ve to put out this fire” and it’s just this constant cycle and it can get vicious very quickly and you can burnout very fast and I know from experience because I’ve done that. 

So, I really highly suggest doing a time audit to kind of see where you’re spending your time and with this, I really suggest taking like a two-week time frame. – I know it’s another thing on your list to do right? – But look at your calendar for the past few weeks and really see how you’re spending your time. If you have a digital task list, something like Trello or Asana or Monday.com, any of those types of digital project tools, you can actually pull reports of your tasks as well. So for me, that’s actually what I do on Fridays. I look at my schedule for the past week and look at my report tasks for the last week and I see you like okay, I spend a lot of time on admin and nothing on the business development side so we need to change that next week. And by looking at that and doing the audit, I can see that I’ve not done what I need to do from the business development side but I can fix that and tweak that instead of rolling into the next week and doing it all over again. So I think if you take your calendar and your task list and really kind of put it within these buckets to see where you’re spending your time, it’s super eye-opening because then you kind of realize: “Oh, I’m in the operation constantly and I never do business development. So that’s probably why I’m not growing.” So I highly encourage you to do a time audit. 


Awesome! Okay. Are there any questions about that? Okay cool. So I’m going to dive into the next strategy and it is Note-Taking. So again it seems super small, right? Like we have our notebooks, we take our notes, we do all the things, but what I see a lot of entrepreneurs is doing is they have about a thirty-seven notebooks, they take notes in all different notebooks, they leave notebooks at the house when they’re at the office or vice versa, I hear from my clients all the time that they’re like: “Oh, I have about thirty several notebooks and I lose them constantly and stuffs all through the cracks because I forgot where I put it and I didn’t do that task that I was supposed to do.” and so on. So, I really encourage you to create a streamlined note-taking process. For me, I actually use an iPad with the Goodnotes app. That has been an absolute game-changer in my business. I realized not everyone is a digital note-taker so I understand that that’s probably not for everybody but for me, the Goodnotes app actually allows you to have multiple notebooks within the one app and also allows you to create folders. 

So I talked about the BCO buckets, I actually use the BCO kind of method for everything and organizing everything. So, within my Goodnotes notebook, I have business development, client services, and an operations folder. The same thing with my google drive, same thing with my email folders, everything really matches. I might be a crazy person with all the checklists and colour coding but it works. So by creating a really streamline note-taking process within my one Goodnotes app, I’m able to have everything in one spot. So I basically have a notebook for each individual client, I have a note for each month to take just general notes in, I have a notebook for each of my team members so that I can take team member notes when we have our meetings, I have just kind of like a brain-dumping notebook because as entrepreneurs, we all have 8000 ideas that pop-up constantly, and I put them there because you can’t take action on all of them. So, really create a space where your notes all live. And if you’re a paper person, pick one notebook, take one notebook and get one of them that you can divide up into three sections so it is business development, client services and operations or… – you can have three notebooks, you have to carry them with you all at the same time, one for each bucket, I give you that, if you are a paper person. And if you are open on digital though, I highly recommend the iPad Goodnotes app because you can search your notes and you can search things that you’ve written even if your handwriting is terrible because mine is awful. So if you’re open to digital, I definitely suggest that but if you’re not, I would say having three notebooks, one for each bucket, or having one notebook that you take notes in at a time because literally in every single one of my clients, I’m like: “Oh, how do you take notes?”, “Oh, I have 37 notebooks and half of the time, I can’t find them or I left it at home and now I’m in the office.” and that is such a distraction and a productivity killer and things fall through the cracks and I know this because that’s how I did that before I kinda move on this method and you’re like: “Oh!” You wake up and you’re like: “Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to send that to someone so” …and it’s stressful right? 

So, smart people take notes and reference back to things and create ideas and build things in their business but if you can’t find them, you can’t really do anything with them. So, definitely figure out a way that works for you. I know that digital doesn’t work for everybody. Having one notebook might not work for everybody but figure out what works for you and really steamline it and try to organize as much as you can. 


Awesome! So then the next one is my favourite and I’ve actually given an hour-long presentation on this so I’m gonna condense it down a little bit for you guys. This is my end-of-day routine that literally changed my entire business and made sure that I was able to work on the business and grow the business instead of constantly being reactive and stuck on the hamster wheel. So it’s my 3Ps of Productivity – I also didn’t come up with that name at first, came up with a fancy name later – but it was a game-changer when I started doing this. Now, I will say that you have to have the note-taking process in place for this to be most efficient. So I really do encourage you to streamline your note-taking process and they all three tie together because I actually tell my client to put the 3Ps of productivity on their calendar for 30 minutes at the end of the day every single day. So, let me get a walk through the process – my notes just went away, hang on a sec and… back – let me walk through the process for you and then I’ll kind of give you an example of what the end of my day looks like so that you can kind of see how I put this in place. 


So the 3Ps of productivity are Process, Plan, and Prepare and basically process is going through and processing everything that has happened from the day and if you have action items or calendar items or things that need to happen from those notes that you’ve taken throughout the day and from meetings that have happened, you need to put them somewhere so that they can get done. So for example, if I have a meeting with a client and I’ve put stars next to things that need to be done with a notebook, at the end of the day when I’m processing all of my notes, I’ll make sure that those get put onto their Asana projects so that they don’t fall through the cracks and I don’t forget to do the thing for the client. If I am talking with somebody in networking and I have an action item to send them a link to something and it’s in my notes that starred, I’m processing that and either doing that if it’s a task that’s under 2 minutes, or I will put that in my task list to do the next day or whatever. So processing is really taking everything that’s happened from the day and making sure that if their action items from those that they get put where they need to go. 


The next step is planning, and planning is really setting yourself up for success for the following day. So we all plan and then everything goes awry, right? I plan every single Friday, I map out my entire week, it looks perfect, it looks great. Monday comes something goes awry and it’s a domino effect from there, right? So I do still highly encourage weekly planning and setting up your week for success but the 3Ps of the productivity process really allows you to recalibrate and reset for the next day and make changes to the plan if needed because we all know entrepreneurship is really just constantly pivoting and changing so if something’s not working for you or something pops up or meeting changes or you need to do something else, you really need to reset that and make sure that you’ve set up for success before your day starts. This is another thing I saw with a lot of my clients, is that I ask them kind of how they planned? What and how they knocked out their day? They’re like “Oh, I sit down and make coffee in the morning at 9 A.M and I’m gonna start planning what I’m gonna do.” and then it happens every time, emails start coming in, texts are coming in, everything starts coming at you and before you know it, it’s noon you’re like, I didn’t even have a plan for the day so I got nothing done. So I think the biggest way that you can work on your business and make sure that you’re growing is by having a plan the night before or the day and making sure that you can hit the ground running. So by looking at my task that is still left for the next day or- my tasks that are left for today and being able to move those and plan those out, being able to kind of plan and move my meeting if needed, and really just setting up and saying this is what tomorrow looks like, here’s my meetings, I have gaps here and these are the tasks I’m gonna do during that time frame. 


So, planning and then the third step is to prepare and it may sound similar to planning and it is, but during the preparation phase, I typically – it’s basically anything you need to execute the plan. Let’s say I have a client meeting, you’re recording a podcast, you have some tasks to do like that’s what your day looks like. You want to make sure that you are preparing those notes for that client meeting. Preparing any tasks items that need to be done, before that current meeting happens. Preparing your podcast outline and points that you’re gonna be talking about, preparing anything for meetings that you have. So, it’s really making sure that you have notes and anything that you need to execute the plan with stage two. Typically what I do at the end of the day as I open up the tabs on my computer for the things that I’m going to need the following day, and I also open up my notepads inside my Goodnotes notebook in my iPad so if I know I’m meeting with two clients and I have a meeting with my teams and I’m having networking meeting, all of those notebooks are open. I actually highlight the date and put in bullet points that I need, so it’s really just making sure that if 9 o’clock rolls around and I slept in and the kids are running late and everything is crazy that my  9 o’clock meeting, I’m already ready for it. So I’m not stressed out and not like: “Oh gosh, I didn’t prepare ahead of time and I have to get on this call and talk to them and it’s not done.” 

So again, just being really proactive and not being reactive because I think that’s the biggest thing is if you can have that plan in place and pivot because we have to pivot, everything changes, right? Have that plan in place so that you can hit the ground running. It is a huge game-changer.

So 3Ps of productivity, this really when I first started this, it really took me about an hour at the end of my day to hash it out and figure it out. Now, it’s about a 15 to 30 minutes process depending on how many meetings I had, how many people did I talk to, all about that kind of stuff. How many notes did I took? But I really suggest putting a 30-minute time-lapse on your calendar – and you don’t have to call it the 3Ps of productivity, you don’t have to follow my process, but you do need to have some kind of end-of day-process that allows you to plan out your next day and make sure nothing got forgotten from today.

So when I first started, it was about 60 minutes, now it’s about 15 to 30 minutes and essentially I stopped looking at email, I stopped taking calls around 5:00 sometimes sooner – sometimes later if we’re in a crazy season business – but stop doing all of that and shut all down so I don’t have notifications popping up and then I take my notebook and I literally just roll backwards and scroll through all the notes and anything that starred or highlighted or calendar events or tasks that need to be done.

I put them where they need to go. So for me, it goes on the google calendar if it’s a calendar event and I’ll invite people if that’s needed. If it’s a task, it goes into Asana – if it’s something I need to pass my team, it’s going to Asana and I will invite them and add them to the task but by doing that my stress level is so much less and I’m able to put everything done at 5:00 and shut it off because I know – yes, I still have 8,000 tasks in my project management tool of all the meetings tomorrow, all the things but at least, I know they’re there, they have dates on them, and they will be done the next day because I have a plan. So this end-of-day routine, honestly, was the biggest game-changer and the way I was able to grow my business to six figures in a year because I was so laser-focused in making sure that stuff didn’t fall through the cracks. So again, you don’t have to follow my process but I would definitely suggest putting in some kind of end-of-day process that works for you and putting it on your calendar and blocking the time on your calendar.


So, that’s really all I had. I know we’re a little early but were there any questions or anything that had popped up? No? Okay! Awesome! Yeah! Guys if I can do this, anyone can do this. Honestly, I didn’t have any kind of entrepreneurship background. I was an accidental entrepreneur. I literally thought I was going to have the side hustle business of organizing houses. If you’ve ever seen Marie Kondo on Netflix, I wanted to be her. And then when I found my business coach and found this online space and was just able to reach even more people outside of Ohio because of the internet, it has been the most amazing thing ever and just know your why, because it gets hard sometimes. I’m in a really hard season right now. My business manager that does all of my stuff was on the tree leaves for the past four weeks. I’ve been travelling a lot, everything’s really messy and crazy and we are launching things and we have to do coaching programs and there’s just a million things going on constantly, but if I didn’t have these systems to go back to, and I didn’t time block in my buckets, and I didn’t have streamlined note-taking, and I didn’t have this end-of-day process, I honestly wouldn’t be able to have a podcast, a group of coaching program, consulting, a team, growing this business to what it is because it takes the organization in the planning, in the background to be able to reach those big goals and I always tell people that you really can’t plan your day without planning your year. I’ve always related to a road trip, right? Like going on a road trip, talking to all the forks in the road, seeing all the scenery, great idea. You can kind of just go wherever with no map but that’s not a super great way to build a sustainable business because you have to get to that end goal, right? Now we’re gonna take detours, we’re gonna pivot a little bit but we still at least know that end goal and we’re able to do the things that we need to do to get there as long as we have a plan, and some systems, and organization at the back-end. 

So hopefully putting some of this stuff in your business, will free up some of your time to do creative things, write a book, create a course, create new products. build a team, whatever that looks like for you, start a podcast – I never thought I would start a podcast but it’s been pretty awesome, but whatever that looks like for you that you’re wanting to free up your time with. If you put some of these strategies in place and these habits in place, it really will allow you to free up your time to do a lot of things. 

Closing Remarks

And awesome! Thank you so much for having me. Thank you guys so much for coming, I know that everybody’s time is super valuable, so I super appreciate you spending it with me today and if I can answer any questions, definitely reach out. My email is hello@processforprofit.co so, always open. I actually have a free community that I host as well, it’s the Hustle to Flow Productivity pod so if you need some more productivity tips something like that, you go to the hustletoflow.co/community, I actually got a huge community of people that really are just in the same mindset of growing a business but doing it without working 17 hours a day. So awesome, thank you!